Information Course
Information Course
We do courses that deal with specific topics throughout Italy.
Check the next date and the closest place to you, in the list below:
Padova | 25/01/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Verona | 30/01/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Vicenza | 11/02/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h | |
Vicenza | 12/02/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h | |
Mantova | 19/02/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h | |
Mantova | 20/02/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h | |
Brescia | 26/02/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h | |
Brescia | 27/02/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Bergamo | 11/03/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Bergamo | 12/03/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Pavia | 18/03/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Pavia | 19/03/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Milano | 20/03/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Milano | 25/03/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Milano | 27/03/20 | Paid course | In-depth study with Dr. Scarpelli on the diode laser | Time 09.00 | Duration 8h |
Novara | 15/04/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Novara | 16/04/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Savona | 22/04/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Savona | 23/04/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Alessandria | 28/04/20 | Free | Give value to your profession with the use of Laser for hygienist | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Alessandria | 29/04/20 | Free | Information course on diode laser for dentistry | Time 20.00 | Duration 2h |
Lun-Ven: 8:30 – 12:30
13:30 – 17:30